Saturday, June 8, 2013


If dinosaurs had feathers
I’d have caged one as a pet
and lived like Fred Flintstone did
went out bowling every night

with an easy pal like Barney
downed some beers with the guys
eyed some saucy chicks
devoured some spicy dactyl wings

and stopped for a rack of raptor ribs
at a drive-through diner
to be greeted back at my cave
with slobber from my feathered friend

while a woman in a little black dress
who cleans up the feathers
and all the dinosaur shit
sets the table for my supper

(c) 2013 Slush Poet

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I am not a protester

For Bradley Manning

I am not a Welshman, an American
or a Catholic. I don’t mind eating
burgers but I won’t wear dungarees.
I have no tattoos and I don’t hug
trees. I’ve one pair of Doc Martens
to my name but I never Occupy banks.

I carry credit cards not membership
cards. I don’t read the Morning Star.
When I march, I carry no placard,
it’s because I am late. I don’t go out
in perpetual search of wrongs to right.
I like it when the trains run on time.

I am not an apologist for terror,
or for WikiLeaks. I take issue with those
who assume the innocence of all Brits
abroad. I’ve no burning desire
to be martyred and feel no remorse
for that. I weigh my vote with care.

This is not an appeal for clemency,
for Amnesty. I’m not Private Manning’s
attorney, his guardian angel,
his mouthpiece, his stooge, or his mother.
But I want — no, I insist —
that a young man sent to a faraway land

in my name, shall be given no command
to befoul his own humanity or the dignity
of another; that the prosecution of our wars
shall be principled and our soldiers keen
of conscience; and if it be so,
then this alone: that justice prevail.

(c) 2013 Slush Poet