Hotel prices soar by 300% for Games
The Sunday Times, 15 January 2012
Dust off Vaughn Williams,
Handel, Elgar and Holst;
what need for a German
Ode to Joy, we grow our own;
it’s the Dunkirk spirit,
don’t you know?
Over meadowed hilltop
sways the circus caravan;
gypsies spill from tenements
like pig tripe from a bucket
lured to a pied piping melody:
easy money! easy money!
Mrs Dodd has let her
beechwood garden chalet
to the Samoan relay squad;
the Council says it’s a shed,
but with the tools removed
who are they to say?
Liam and Amy set
a wedding date
several years ago.
They’d have hoped by now
to save and squander the price
of a wedding breakfast,
but there is no room
at any inn. They’ll keep their cash
and marry in Vegas:
a Parisian paid in advance
a white wedding sum for a week
in their Council flat.
Doctor Downs put in
for thirty thousand pounds
of prime Olympiad.
How galling must it be
for his family to receive
but one tenth their need?
The prayers of Reverend Meek
must have raised a smile
up there. Tickets drip-dripped
through the leaky church roof
for the opening, the closing
and all in between.
He could rightly sit
beside the Parisian, watch
Samoa steel to victory
in the crucible of truth.
Or sell the tickets on e-bay
for black market lead.
(c) 2012 Slush Poet
I still hope, dream, pray and cross fingers, that I may be away from London for the entire duration of the Olympics!