Woman left bloodied by moggy calls for ban on dangerous cats
METRO, 22 August 2012
Cats of every cast,
of every stripe, every shade, inbred, crossbred,
scratching livings on pigeons and rats.
Black ones are worst,
drawn to the wheelie bin backs of the takeaways,
flicking their claws, marking their turf.
It’s an unlucky turn
that strays you into their path and they circle you,
purring, sizing you up like cream
left on a window ledge.
On a dark still moonless city night, every cat
that isn’t white to you is black.
(c) 2012 Slush Poet
Yes I like it but why Mr. H do you tag ("label") your poems? Kind of dazzles the subtlety with a floodlit signpost, no?