Sunday, February 19, 2012

New Year's resolution

Fasting once a week could help you live longer
The Telegraph, 19 February 2012

Peter didn’t plan to go so long
without eating. He wasn’t aiming
for a mention in the Guinness
book of fools, freaks and unfortunates.
But he had over-indulged,
and so resolved
as his tyre chains bit into the forest
road home to lose the surplus,
shed the spare, kick
the snacking habit, maybe
next year.

When New Year came
he had already been fourteen days
in the belly of a Volvo stalled
at the side of a glacial road.
Stalactites of his breath tinselled
the rear view mirror, a yellow pond
had frozen where Peter’s feet would be. 
The winding windows in the back opened
onto his larder, where
the richness of Swedish vocabulary
lent variety to his diet
of snow.

Peter didn’t know a month had flown
by. He’d seen through the snow
that the sun had risen and not
set again, and now his white
cocoon sparkled like iced champagne.
Since his body quit
shivering nothing moved, and without movement
what is time? His breathing was shallow and silent.
The silence convinced Peter
he was deaf

or dead. When the world
broke through
Peter’s Volvo-centred igloo,
and green and blue
gushed in
with a scorching
pine-laced gale to the rasping
of blades, the breaking
of seals, he had nothing
to offer his guests.
‘Eat,’ he told Officer Nyberg,

Peter Skyliberg was found awake and able to speak after spending over two months trapped in his snow-buried car on a Swedish forest road. Scientists think he may have gone into a hibernation state in which his body conserved energy by lowering its temperature.

(c) 2012 Slush Poet


  1. Almost as soon as I started reading I thought of that news story (the snow one), but assumed it would be about something else... a more intentional act of fasting as indicated by the Telegraph headline. I like things like this where you are taken in a direction and then moved suddenly in another. In this case it happened twice!

  2. Thank you, Rosie, on two counts. Both for you lovely comments on this poem and for coming back to my blog. Come by again soon! Andy.
